Skiffs arrivals
- All skiffs will be checked on arrival, this will take place on the harbor square (Havenplein) in Kortgene (Figure 1-1)
- The check is performed by Skiff Officials and they do this based on the rules of the Skiff in accordance with the SASI rules.
- No need for anchors and anchor lines !!!
- All approved skiffs will be provided with a start number and passed to the Chief Umpire.
- The Skiffs that do not pass the inspection are also reported to the Chief Umpire. Judge(s) determine what will then be decided.
After the check, the Skiff is launched (slipway) and brought under supervision to the jetty (figure 2-5), every skiff assigned a permanent place at the jetty (number), that is the same number as the start number (with tacker) on the skiff, where the Skiffs will stay every day and night during the Skiffie Worlds.
Trackers will only be used for SkiffieWorlds online
The trailers can be parked for free at a place designated by the municipality, this place is not closed, so a lock for your trailer is required. Trailers are parked at the parking of the Delta Marina harbor (figure 1-2)

Figure 1

Figure 2